Function – VHDL Example

Functions are part of a group of structures in VHDL called subprograms. Functions are small sections of code that perform an operation that is reused throughout your code. This serves to cleanup code as well as allow for reusability.

Functions always use a return statement. They are generally good for doing a small amount of logic or math and returning a result. One additional note: wait statements can not be used in a function.

For example, in the VHDL below there is a function f_ASCII_2_HEX below that takes as an input a 8 bit ASCII Character and converts it into a Hex value that can be used by the internal logic to do processing. This is required because letters can be uppercase or lowercase and numbers have an offset of 0x30 hex. This type of function is necessary when a UART is used on a design. The UART communicates via ASCII characters, but those need to be interpreted by the code as normal Hex Characters (0, 1, …, E, F). Look at this ASCII table for your own reference.

The second function in this file takes an input std_logic_vector of any size and performs a bitwise exclusive or (xor) function on it. This means that it will do: r_SLV_IN(0) xor r_SLV_IN(1) xor … r_SLV_IN(r_SLV_IN’length-1) It is versatile and can operate on input vectors of any size. This is an easy way to find the odd or even parity of an incoming signal on a UART for example.

Useful functions such as these can be wrapped up in a package file and used in multiple areas just by:

use library_name.package_file.all
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;

entity example_function_advanced is
end example_function_advanced;

architecture behave of example_function_advanced is

  signal r_TEST_ASCII : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := X"42";
  signal r_TEST_HEX   : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := (others => '0');
  -- Purpose: This function converts ascii characters to hexadecimal.
  -- Numbers are 0x30-0x39 so only interpret least sig nibble.
  function f_ASCII_2_HEX (
    r_ASCII_IN : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0))
    return std_logic_vector is
    variable v_TEMP : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
    if (r_ASCII_IN = X"41" or r_ASCII_IN = X"61") then
      v_TEMP := X"A";
    elsif (r_ASCII_IN = X"42" or r_ASCII_IN = X"62") then
      v_TEMP := X"B";
    elsif (r_ASCII_IN = X"43" or r_ASCII_IN = X"63") then
      v_TEMP := X"C";
    elsif (r_ASCII_IN = X"44" or r_ASCII_IN = X"64") then
      v_TEMP := X"D";
    elsif (r_ASCII_IN = X"45" or r_ASCII_IN = X"65") then
      v_TEMP := X"E";
    elsif (r_ASCII_IN = X"46" or r_ASCII_IN = X"66") then
      v_TEMP := X"F";
      v_TEMP := r_ASCII_IN(3 downto 0);  
    end if;
    return std_logic_vector(v_TEMP);

  -- Purpose: This function performs a bitwise xor on the input vector
  function f_BITWISE_XOR (
    r_SLV_IN    : in std_logic_vector)
    return std_logic is
    variable v_XOR : std_logic := '0';
    for i in 0 to r_SLV_IN'length-1 loop
      v_XOR := v_XOR xor r_SLV_IN(i);
    end loop;
    return v_XOR;
  end function f_BITWISE_XOR;


  process is
    r_TEST_HEX   <= f_ASCII_2_HEX(r_TEST_ASCII);  -- function

    if f_BITWISE_XOR(r_TEST_ASCII) = '1' then
      report "RX Character has Odd Parity" severity note;
      report "RX Character has Even Parity" severity note;
    end if;
    wait for 10 ns;
    r_TEST_ASCII <= X"37";
    wait for 10 ns; 
    r_TEST_HEX   <= f_ASCII_2_HEX(r_TEST_ASCII);  -- function

    if f_BITWISE_XOR(r_TEST_ASCII) = '1' then
      report "RX Character has Odd Parity" severity note;
      report "RX Character has Even Parity" severity note;
    end if;
  end process;  
end behave;

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